Customer centricity: ERGO #LifeStories

ERGO #LifeStories: Customer centricity

Growth & Markets, 22.02.2024

How do our sales partners simplify insurance?

People are looking for orientation and continuity more than ever before, as times have become more difficult and uncertain. At the same time, many people have less financial leeway. However, most people only save for insurance at the very end, which means they know the value of protection. How does Phillip Ingen-haag (33), ERGO sales partner from Hürth near Cologne, deal with this situation? How does he advise his customers?

What is essential for you in understanding your customers?

My customers should be able to live their lives with a degree of carefree optimism in the future. My team continues to provide them with long-term protection against the risks of everyday life. Naturally, customers are at the center of everything we do. And that's not all: I want to inspire real enthusiasm in my customers through my work and my service, and through the performance of ERGO. My goal is to make insurance easier.

How do you work with your customers on a day-to-day basis?

It's very clear to us that today's customers are hybrid customers, so we also have to make our agency hybrid. Whether in person, on the phone, by email, WhatsApp or via the website - we try to be available via all channels. This is the only way we can be close to our customers. We achieve this through our personal presence and advice. We prepare ourselves intensively for discussions with our customers, we naturally take the necessary time to explain the various insurance options clearly and to decide with the customer which insurance they need individually.

To what extent do you use digital services?

For me, a personal conversation is still the best form of communication. But I am also very happy that we have digital channels. Our customers can easily switch between a variety of sales and communication channels - digitally or face-to-face. They decide for themselves whether they want to deal with standard matters quickly and conveniently online, whether they want to make a phone call or whether they would like personal advice. We focus on the highest quality of service across all channels. The digital developments at ERGO have made many everyday things easier - for my customers, for me and my team. Online consultations are often a smart way to save time. 

What can your customers count on in the event of a claim?

In the event of a claim, ERGO can demonstrate its full potential, and customers expect that - and rightly so. This is the crucial moment when we are there for our customers and can offer them a lot of help. For example, they can simply send us damage photos etc. by WhatsApp or e-mail.

Here in the Rhine-Erft district, we were hugely affected by the flood disaster two years ago. This naturally caused a great deal of suffering for all those affected and resulted in a large number of flood damage claims. During this difficult time, we were quickly on site and were able to provide unbureaucratic assistance to the people affected. Some of my customers were also affected, but fortunately they were all well insured.

How do you set up your agency?

Teamwork is very important, it's natural for me to continue developing my team, and of course I want to offer young people a career opportunity. That means training them, giving them further training and giving them the chance to "gain a foothold" in the insurance industry. Because it is always a pleasure when our customers can rely on us and we can give them support and security.

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