Regulations and Guidelines

As a financial services provider, we rely to a great extent on trust. In order to prevent any - however unintentional - reputational damage, clear rules of conduct for all members of the Board of Management, employees and self-employed sales staff are required.

However, it is our common understanding that we do not just wish to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. We feel committed to high ethical standards and principles.

Code of Conduct

In order to make our views of an integral corporate conduct transparent, we have defined and laid them down in binding Codes of Conduct.

  • The Munich Re (Group) Code of Conduct for all salaried employees, senior executives and members of the Boards of Management of Munich Re and its companies* provides guidance for legally impeccable behaviour based on ethical principles. With the Code of Conduct, we express our understanding of value-based management. The Code of Conduct also includes a procedure to report any legal violations in order to be able to immediately act on any possible misconduct.

    Code of Conduct Munich Re (Group) (PDF)

    *ERGO is part of Munich Re Group

  • The Code of Conduct of the German Insurance Association for the Sale of Insurance Products (GDV Code of Conduct) focuses on the interests of customers and the quality of customer advice. ERGO also aims to provide customers with the best possible and individual advice. ERGO therefore regards the GDV Code of Conduct as the basis for collaboration with business partners and sales agents and has joined the Code against this background.

  • The ERGO Supplier Code of Conduct is designed to help ensure that all third-party suppliers providing goods and/or services to an ERGO company meet our standards for protection of the environment, fair and respectful treatment of their workforce, safe working conditions, zero tolerance regarding corruption, and ethical business practices.

    Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF) 

Further regulations and reports

  • The German Stock Corporation Act requires stock corporations to have Articles of Association. They determine the company’s legal name and the registered residence, as well as the amount of share capital and the number of members on the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board.

    ERGO Articles of Association (German version, PDF)
  • ERGO and the companies belonging to the Group acknowledge their responsibility for environmental protection and sustainability. The sustained protection of environment and society is an investment into the future. We consider environmental protection as an essential part of our corporate governance. Our aim is to protect and preserve the environment and the natural basis of life for today’s and future generations.

    ERGO Environmental Guidelines (PDF)

  • As part of the Munich Re Group, ERGO is included in the non-financial statement in the Munich Re Group Annual Report and hence exempted from issuing its own non-financial statement. Additional information on the joint implementation of sustainability targets in the year under review can be found in Munich Re’s Annual Report.

    Results & Reports Munich Re

  • Technology trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) or robotic process automation (RPA) have the potential to fundamentally change the economy and our everyday lives. ERGO is helping to shape this future and is exploiting the potential of new technologies - with a sense of proportion and taking into account any concerns and risks. The following, freely available documents demonstrate this innovation-friendly and balanced approach.

    Guard rails for dealing with artificial intelligence

    AI applications offer many opportunities, but there are also concerns and risks. ERGO will exploit the potential of AI for itself, taking these concerns and risks into account. Our core values are reflected in the Munich Re Group Code of Conduct. In addition, the following guard rails define how we as ERGO intend to use and leverage artificial intelligence and the underlying data.

    Guidelines for dealing with AI (German version, PDF)

    White paper on process automation

    In the whitepaper "Robotic Process Automation - Digitising quickly in complex architectures", ERGO experts share their knowledge regarding automation processes. This guide is approximately 35-page long and is based on their own experience and best practices for the development and implementation of process robots within ERGO. It contains numerous tips and recommendations for possible areas of application, technical implementation and the involvement of both management and employees in the digitalisation of a company using Robotic Process Automation (RPA). At ERGO itself, several hundred robots are already in use throughout the Group. Among other things, they help to automate and optimise customer-related processes in order to assist our employees.

    White paper process automation (German version, PDF)

    White paper on ChatGPT and large language models

    In the 30-page guide "ChatGPT and large language models: An introduction with a view to the insurance industry", ERGO experts from the fields of machine learning, conversational AI and innovations share their comprehensive knowledge of large language models (LLMs). In individual chapters, they explain in detail how these models work and their potential, as well as their possible risks and limitations. In addition, the authors use concrete practical examples to show how texts can be created, dialogues conducted or data classified with the corresponding tools. This applies to the insurance sector as well as to other industries.

    White paper ChatGPT and language models (German version, PDF)

  • Information security is paramount for the ERGO Group, and its Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) coordinates and responds to IT security incidents. The CSIRT ensures prompt and appropriate handling of incidents, collaborates with authorities and trusted partners, and provides services such as incident triage, response process, and digital forensics to ERGO Group.

    Description of CSIRT according to RFC 2350 (PDF)