ClimeRock - Removing CO₂ while regenerating soils


ClimeRock is a French mission-driven company specialising in Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW), an innovative solution that naturally removes carbon dioxide and regenerates soils by spreading finely ground rocks over farmlands.

ClimeRock founding team: Antoine Davy (left) and Arthur Chabot (right)

ClimeRock combats climate change by removing CO₂ from the atmosphere through ERW. This technique involves spreading fine silicate rocks, such as basalt powder, across large areas of land to capture and store CO₂ permanently. The rocks react with atmospheric CO₂ dissolved in rainwater, forming bicarbonates. Most of the dissolved CO₂ goes in the watershed with groundwater until it reaches rivers and, lastly, the ocean, where it is permanently stored.

This solution leverages abundant resources, existing infrastructures and is highly scalable. In addition to removing CO₂ from the atmosphere, ERW provides significant co-benefits for agricultural soils. During the reaction, nutrients contained in the rocks are released into the soil, improving soil health and crop yields while durably neutralising soil acidity.

ClimeRock was founded in 2023 by two French engineers with expertise and a successful track record in supply chain, mining, process optimisation, sales, and innovation. The start-up also collaborates with recognised scientific institutions. These partnerships focus on exploring opportunities to enhance the positive impact of ERW, while ensuring that the measurement and verification process aligns with the best available science. ClimeRock aims to make ERW accessible to farmlands, beginning with France and expanding to other high-potential countries.

Pioneering ERW in France, ClimeRock initiated its first field trials in the Massif Central, a former volcanic region. With the support from the Carbon Removal ClimAccelerator as well as from Munich Re and ERGO, the team worked on go-to-market and risk management.

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