ERGO launches accident-insurance awareness campaign

TikTok and podcast sponsorship among set of measures for first time

Media Information, 25.05.2021

ERGO has completely revised its accident insurance and is now launching a multi-channel campaign to raise awareness of accident risks. Commercials will run on TV and online until the end of July. For the first time, the video platform TikTok and the sponsoring of podcasts will be integrated. All content was developed in collaboration with Jung van Matt and the digital agency Yours Truly. 

After an accident, the simplest activities can become a major challenge for those affected. Even everyday tasks such as getting dressed, shopping or driving a car can then only be done with assistance. “So that falling down becomes getting up again” is therefore the core message of the campaign, which has been being played on and offline via various channels as of today.

The aim is to raise awareness of the topic of accident risks and at the same time show how the consequences of accidents can be mitigated and everyday life can be mastered independently again. This also raises the question of whether one is well insured, should it come to the worst.

“The special thing about this campaign is its highly motivational character. The guiding principle of ‘Get up again’ serves as encouragement not to give up when things get difficult in life. It is precisely in these moments that ERGO provides support with individual services”, explains Imke Jendrosch, Global CMO ERGO Group. “And since this issue really does affect everyone, we want the campaign to appeal to as broad a target group as possible, and we’re also using channels that are new to us, such as podcast sponsorship and TikTok.”

The building blocks of the campaign in detail:

Assistance services for a quick return to normality
The commercial, entitled “So that falling down becomes getting up again”, shows a young, successful sportswoman who can no longer pursue her passion due to an accident. Her journey back to a self-determined life via rehabilitation measures is retold in emotional images. The advertisement will run as 20- and 30-second clips on TV and online as of today. The campaign comes together on a specially developed landing page where interested parties can leave their contact details for a personal consultation.

Podcast sponsorship and TikTok in the set of measures for the first time
In this campaign, ERGO is also premièring as a sponsor for selected sporting podcast formats. Another first is the use of the video platform TikTok as a campaign channel. Its users are being called upon to take part in the big ERGO hashtag challenge #WiederAufstehen (get up) by 16 July. The special feature here is that the users themselves are to creatively showcase the benefits of accident insurance in a manner that is clear and appealing to the target group. The campaign thus aims to address younger people in particular and raise their awareness of accident risks. ERGO is only the second German insurance company to use this channel.

Online measures round out campaign
In addition, an extensive and large-format online banner and moving-image campaign will be launched, with the core message “So that falling down becomes getting up again” and the recurring campaign motif framing all the online measures.

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For further information, please contact:

Jan Fulle

Media Relations

Tel +49 211 477-8518

About the ERGO Group AG
ERGO is one of the major insurance groups in Germany and Europe. Worldwide, the Group is represented in around 30 countries and concentrates on Europe and Asia. Four separate units operate under the umbrella of the Group: ERGO Deutschland AG, ERGO International AG, ERGO Digital Ventures AG and ERGO Technology & Services Management AG. German, international, direct and digital business as well as the global management of IT and tech-nology services are combined there.
About 38,000 people work for the Group, either as salaried employees or as full-time self-employed sales representatives. In 2020, ERGO recorded a total premium income of over 18 billion euros and rendered benefits to customers (gross) of around 16 billion euros. ERGO is part of Munich Re, one of the world's leading reinsurers and risk carriers.
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