Our key environmental figures

An important part of our Group-wide environmental and climate protection strategy is the continuous reduction of our resource consumption and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions.

In our reporting on consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we focus on the main direct impacts of our business operations on the environment and climate. These are the consumption of energy, paper and water, the amount of waste we produce and the kilometres travelled on business trips. The resulting greenhouse gas emissions are measured and reported in CO2 equivalents (CO2e).

With our Ambition 2025 climate targets, we aim to move our operational business processes across the Group to net-zero emissions by 2030. The implementation will be gradual: By 2025, we intend to have reduced our GHG emissions (CO2e) across the entire Munich Re Group by twelve percent per employee compared to 2019. Since 2015, we have endeavoured to offset the remaining GHG emissions by purchasing certificates from projects that contribute to a reduction in GHG emissions. When selecting certificates, we pay attention to internationally recognised standards.


General information

Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total number of staff   26,178 25,693
24,974 26,727
Staff covered by the survey of environmental indicators % 87.41 76.5
81.7 80.9
Staff working at a site with a certified environmental management system
% 72.12 64.23
58.95 45.7
1 Additional entities were included in environmental reporting .
2 In 2023, our site in Nuremberg, Germany was certified for the first time.
3 In 2022, our sites in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were certified for the first time.


GHG emissions            

Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total GHG emissions t CO2e 39,3071 51,077
54,014 57,562
Direct GHG emissions from primary energy consumption – Scope 12 t CO2e 25,951 36,307
39,716 36,288
Indirect GHG emissions from procured energy – Scope 23 t CO2e 7,985 10,021
11,283 13,812
Other indirect GHG emissions – Scope 34 t CO2e 5,371 4,750
3,015  7,462
GHG emissions per employee t CO2e 1.502 1.988
2.163 2.154
Total GHG savings since 2019
% 31.71 11.27
6.16 -
GHG savings per employee since 2019
% 30.28 7.70
-0.42 -
1 Reduction in GHG emissions due to energy-saving measures and a reduction in office spaces.
2 Direct emissions from primary energy consumption (natural gas, heating oil, emergency diesel power, fuel for company cars).
3 Indirect emissions from procured energy (purchase of electricity, district heating, and district cooling).
4 Other indirect emissions (business trips, consumption of paper and water, waste).   


Energy consumption

Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total direct energy consumption
(natural gas, natural gas for CHPs1, fuel for emergency generators)
MWh 102,486 144,735
169,780 152,369
Natural gas MWh 22,560 47,602
56,983 50,955
Natural gas for CHPs
MWh 79,402 96,411
112,153 100,940
Fuel for emergency generator 
MWh 524 722
644 474
Total consumption indirect energy
(purchased electricity, district heating, district cooling)
MWh 80,993 90,951
102,946 113,472
Purchased electricity MWh 10,211 15,748
11,338 18,964
Procured green electricity MWh 38,920 37,596
38,779 45,787
District cooling MWh 2,565 3,446
3,824 4,343
District heating MWh 29,297 34,161
49,005 44,379
Self-generated electricity (CHP)
MWh 25,793 29,537
Percentage of total electricity consumption from green electricity % 79.2 70.5
77.4 70.7
Total GHG emissions from energy t CO2e 28,775 39,380
45,709 44,700
GHG emissions from energy per employee t CO2e 1.099 1.533
1.830 1.672
Thermal power stations with combined heat and power technology


Consumption of paper1

Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total consumption of paper t 518 580
611 590
Paper consumption per employee
t 0.02 0.023
0.024 0.022
Share of recycled paper2 % 8.7 5.53
Total GHG emissions from paper t CO2e 611 685
721 697
GHG emissions from paper per employee t CO2e 0.023 0.027
0.029 0.026
1 Printer and copy paper.
2 Decrease in Group-wide share compared to 2019 due to high paper consumption by some international entities with a low share of recycled paper.
3 Deviation from the values reported for 2022 and 2021 due to data corrections.      



Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total water consumption m3 276,452 311,298
Water consumption per employee m3 10.560 12.116
Total GHG emissions from water consumption t CO2e 194 219
214 308
GHG emissions from water consumption per employee t CO2e 0.007 0.009
0.009 0.012
1 Our locations withdraw their water from the local (municipal) networks. Our waste water is discharged sanitary water.



Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total waste t 3,060 3,389
Waste by type and disposal method1

Recycled materials t 1,599 1,863
Incinerated waste            
t 512 601
894 933
Landfill waste t 0 0 85 274
Special disposal of waste for reuse/recovery t 7 3 7 4
Organic waste t 432 392
2572 888
Other waste            
t 510 529
3532 422
Waste per employee t 0.117 0.132
0.146 0.199
Total GHG emissions from waste t CO2e 1,517 1,606
1,380 1,680
GHG emissions from waste per employee t CO2e 0.058 0.063
0.055 0.063
1 The type of waste disposal greatly depends on the respective infrastructure for waste disposal and local regulations. Wherever possible, waste and recyclable materials are separated, recycled and disposed of by regional service suppliers.
2 Deviation from the values reported for 2021 due to data corrections.


Business travel

Unit 2023 2022 2021 2019
(base year)
Total business travel km 78,692,830 67,676,093
Air travel km 23,789,989 16,624,637
Automotive travel (company cars, hire vehicles)
km 41,285,696 42,197,792
Rail travel and long distance bus travel1
km 13,617,1452 8,853,6622,3
Business travel per employee
km 3,006 2,634
1,751 3,853
Total GHG emissions for business travel t CO2e 8,210 9,188
5,991 10,177
GHG emissions for business travel per employee t CO2e 0.31 0.36
1 Long distance rail travel with Deutsche Bahn and Austrian railways (ÖBB) is based on green electricity and does not generate GHG emissions.
2 Increase in mileage due to recording of long-distance bus trips and shift from air to rail travel in Germany.
3 Deviation from the values reported for 2022 due to data corrections. 


Notes on the environmental indicators:

An important part of our Group-wide environmental and climate protection strategy is the continuous reduction of our resource consumption and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions.

In our reporting on consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, we focus on the main direct impacts of our business operations on the environment and climate. These are the consumption of energy, paper and water, the amount of waste we produce and the kilometres travelled on business trips. The resulting greenhouse gas emissions are measured and reported in CO2 equivalents (CO2e). All consumption data that was not available at the reporting date was estimated. We extrapolate the measured consumption data to the number of employees of the fully consolidated companies of the ERGO Group at the end of the respective reporting year. The consumption of resources per employee refers to in-house staff and salaried field staff. Self-employed sales agents are not included in the environmental indicators.

The quantitative figures are quality assured externally as part of Munich Re's non-financial reporting.

Internationally recognised conversion factors such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), the Association for Environmental Management and Sustainability in Financial Institutions (VfU) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) are used to calculate Group-wide GHG emissions. Where possible, individual conversion factors, e.g. for company cars, are used. A market-based approach is used to calculate Scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption, taking into account that in 2023 a share of 79.2 % stemmed from renewable energy sources and was be calculated as emission-free. For the remaining electricity consumption, country-specific conversion factors from IEA were used, derived from the average local electricity mix.

Sources of Greenhouse gas emissions:

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions from primary energy consumption (natural gas, heating oil, emergency diesel generators, fuel for company cars)
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from procured energy (purchase of electricity, district heating, and district cooling)
  • Scope 3: Other indirect emissions (business trips, consumption of paper and water, waste)