Man with child on shoulders walking on green field

An investment in the future

Environmental and climate protection at ERGO

The protection of our environment and climate represents an investment in the future for ERGO. In particular, the challenges posed by climate change and rising claims directly affect our business. That is why we are driving forward environmental and climate protection within our company and in our business with targeted measures.

We continuously reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our operations, work to conserve energy and resources, and promote environmental awareness among employees and consumers. A key factor to reach this objective is our audited environmental management system. We also offer products that take environmental aspects into consideration in order to support customers aiming to protect the environment. Together with our parent company Munich Re, we support selected international projects that promote adaptation to climate change and contribute to managing its effects as part of our corporate social responsibility.

Ambition 2025

Our climate targets in our own operations

With the climate targets of our strategy programme "Ambition 2025", we are striving to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our operational business processes.

By 2025, we aim to reduce green-house gas emissions Group-wide by 12 percent per employee compared with 2019, for example by using less energy or reducing business travel. In addition, we aim to  gradually switch the purchase of electricity to renewable energy sources by 2025 at the entities that report environmental data.  Since 2015, we have endeavoured to offset the remaining GHG emissions by purchasing certificates from projects that contribute to a reduction in GHG emissions. When selecting certificates, we pay attention to internationally recognised standards.

In our reporting on consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, we focus on the main factors driving our greenhouse gas emissions. These are the consumption of energy, paper and water as well as the amount of waste we produce and the kilometres travelled on business trips. The resulting emissions are measured and reported in CO2 equivalents (CO2e).

In order to reduce the consumption of resources in the company, the contribution of each individual employee is required. Therefore, we inform our employees about environmentally friendly behaviour via posters, flyers and the intranet and offer action days on environmental topics.

Group-wide climate strategy

Munich Re has a holistic climate strategy in place that has continuously evolved. The Group-wide objective is to contribute to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.


Our parent company, Munich Re, reports on the implementation of climate targets in its group annual report.

Environmental protection through certification and environmental guidelines

Our environmental management

Woman sitting at laptop

ERGO aims to continuously improve its own contribution to environmental protection. With a Group-wide environmental management system, we are constantly developing our measures throughout our business operations.

ERGO manages the implementation of the Group-wide environmental and climate protection strategy using a standardised system. We calculate the greenhouse gas emissions from our business operations annually from energy, paper and water consumption, business trips and waste, and report them in COequivalents (CO2e).

Energy-efficiency and resource-conserving measures include:

  • Moves to energy-efficient office buildings
  • Reduction of office space
  • Gradual conversion of vehicle fleets to fuel-efficient hybrid and e-cars
  • Shift from short-haul flights to rail travel
  • Electric charging stations for our employees at our major sites in Germany
  • Mandatory eco-driving training for company car drivers in Germany
Successfully certifications

In addition to our group-wide environmental management system, our large locations in the Baltics, Germany, Poland and Spain are certified to international standards such as German Industrial Standard DIN ISO 14001 or the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). At our certified locations, we draw up comprehensive environmental programmes in the form of “targets and measures” catalogues. The systems at these locations are regularly audited by an independent external environmental auditor. If all the requirements have been complied with, certification is upheld – a continuous process which generates consistent improvement.

Certification DIN ISO 14001 (German)

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Own Environmental Guidelines

ERGO has had its own Environmental Guidelines since 2010; they represent our commitment to respecting the environment, protecting the climate and proactively promoting awareness of environmental issues among our employees. It goes without saying that we enforce compliance with environmental protection regulations. Taking environmental aspects in our business operations into consideration is also one of the principles of our group-wide Code of Conduct.

ERGO Environmental Guidelines

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More information

Key environmental figures

We have introduced a systematic environmental management system with the aim of consistently reducing our consumption of resources and CO2 emissions.

Three people working in a meadow

Sustainability Report

In line with the claim ‘Simple because it matters’, ERGO reports in a brief and comprehensive way about the Group’s current sustainability topics and measures.

Father playing guitar with son

Tackling climate change together

Together with Munich Re, we support initiatives to promote adaptation to climate change and foster innovative solutions. Find out about our sustainability projects. 

to the microsite
Person in yellow jacket standing on a mountain