Our key financial figures

Consolidated result, premium income or expenses for claims and benefits to customers are some of the key figures recording the development of our business as compared to the previous year. We also show how business was divided across the different lines of business. 

  1. Overview
  2. Insurance revenue by business fields

The key figures of the ERGO Group at a glance

  2024 2023

Change on

previous year (%)

Insurance revenue1
(Mio €)
20.796 20.098 3,5
Insurance service expenses
(Mio €)
18.613 17.845 4,3
Investment result
(Mio €)
4.018 2.942 36,6
Operating result 
(Mio €)
1.014 963 5,3
Net result
(Mio €)
791 721 9,7
(Mio €)
138.134 136.355 1,3
Contractual Service Margin 
(Mio €)
12.828 12.483 0,4
Registered representatives 8.895 12.483 -28,7
Salaried employees 27.957 26.178 6,8

Insurance revenue1 by business fields

(Fully consolidated Group values)

  2024 2023


previous year (%)

Life Germany
(Mio €)
2.873 2.898 -0,8
Health Germany (incl. Travel)³
(Mio €)
7.216 6.118 18,0
Property-casualty Germany
(Mio €)
4.661 4.539 2,7
Digital Ventures 
(Mio €)
- 926  
(Mio €)
6.045 5.618 7,6
(Mio €)
20.796 20.098 3,5

1 From insurance contracts issued.   
2 Including investments for unit-linked life insurance.
3 At the beginning of 2024, the Digital Ventures business unit was transferred to the Health Germany business unit.

Contractual Service Margin: 
The contractual service margin largely represents the gain from a group of long-term life and health insurance contracts that has not yet been recognised through profit or loss because it relates to services to be provided in the future. This unrealised gain is reported as an insurance liability in the balance sheet.