Which technologies are shaping our industry?

Tech Trend Radar 2024

Digitalisation & Technology, 21.03.2024

Companies can only adapt proactively if they recognize and understand technological trends at an early stage. That's why experts from Munich Re and ERGO have been working together since 2013 to produce a new version of the renowned "Tech Trend Radar" every year. //next took a look at the recently published eleventh edition.


The Tech Trend Radar 2024 is now available. The aim of the report, which is published jointly by ERGO and Munich Re, is to provide policyholders with a comprehensive overview of the latest tech trends impacting the industry. The report takes an in-depth look at the maturity and relevance of numerous tech advancements around topics such as 

  1. Healthy Human
  2. Connected Experience
  3. Data & AI
  4. Cyber & Crypto
  5. Redefining Industries.

The Radar also points out the opportunities and risks involved in these technologies, inspires discussion and identifies new business trends that are opening up to policyholders along the entire value chain. The report is published annually and is available free of charge. You can also find out more about the background and the creation of this literally groundbreaking study in the interview we conducted two years ago with the two project managers Daniel Grothues (ERGO) and Martin Thormählen (Munich Re) - on the occasion of the 2022 radar.   

Opportunities as well as risks for policyholders

Martin Thormählen, Chief Technology Officer Business Technology Munich Re, comments on the latest Tech Trend Radar: "Many tech trends ranging from generative AI and digital immune system to digital healthcare hold opportunities as well as risks for policyholders. The Tech Trend Radar will help them take advantage of the entire spectrum of possibilities around tech to improve their core competencies and competitive edge in the insurance world of the future."

“Many tech trends ranging from generative AI and digital immune system to digital healthcare hold opportunities as well as risks for policyholders.”

Martin Thormählen, Chief Technology Officer Business Technology Munich Re

And his colleague Daniel Grothues, Chief Technology Officer ERGO Technology & Services Management, adds, "AI is developing faster right now than almost any other technology, and companies can benefit tremendously from its use. However, they first need to make sure that many things are in place, including meeting the highest security, compliance and data privacy standards. They also need to have a data strategy devoted specifically to AI, effective data management and, most importantly, a real use case. Our aim in publishing this year's Tech Trend Radar is to help our policyholders understand tech trends like AI so that the new applications and solutions they create around this technology qualify for insurance coverage."

“AI is developing faster right now than almost any other technology, and companies can benefit tremendously from its use. However, they first need to make sure that many things are in place, including meeting the highest security, compliance and data privacy standards.”

Daniel Grothues, Chief Technology Officer ERGO Technology & Services Management

Additional focus on India and China

The latest issue of the Tech Trend Radar takes a look at the five top current trends as well as the markets in India and China. The report features a section highlighting insights from regional experts into the India Stack and Health Stack projects, for example. The aim of the two projects is to lay the foundation for digital infrastructure for more than one billion people in India as well as revolutionise the country's healthcare system. In another section of the report, colleagues from China share their thoughts on insurance services around new mobility, battery storage technologies and advancements in photovoltaics.

The "Tech Trend Radar 2024" is now available as an interactive version. The following link also provides further information on the download area at Munich Re:


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