ERGO extends product range with new basic abilities insurance “ERGO Body Protect”

“Sport Plus” additional module offers financial protection for people who do sports as a hobby or as part of their job.

Media Information, 10.10.2023

With its new basic abilities insurance “ERGO Body Protect”, ERGO is extending its product range for disability insurance and offering comprehensive basic-abilities cover with three product variants. The “Sport Plus” additional module is unique on the market and is aimed at people who do sports as a hobby or as part of their job.

ERGO Body Protect 

With its new basic abilities insurance “ERGO Body Protect”, ERGO is extending its product range for disability insurance and offering comprehensive basic-abilities cover with three product variants. The “Sport Plus” additional module is unique on the market and is aimed at people who do sports as a hobby or as part of their job.

“Insuring your own capacity to work is one of the most important policies of all. The loss of one or more basic abilities, for example, can have not only physical but also financial consequences”, explains Oliver Horn, the Board member responsible for products at ERGO Vorsorge Lebensversicherung, and adds: “‘ERGO Body Protect’ offers comprehensive, inexpensive and customisable basic abilities insurance that safeguards a person’s quality of life and their existence if the worst happens.”

Flexibility of design combined with comprehensive cover

“ERGO Body Protect” covers up to 40 basic abilities. Insureds will receive the insured pension if they suffer the loss or severe impairment of only one insured basic ability. “ERGO Body Protect” can also be individually and flexibly adapted to the most varied life situations. For example, premium payments can be scheduled flexibly and a comprehensive guaranteed insurability option is included. Subsequent conversion to occupational disability insurance is also possible – with no need for a new health check. Furthermore, to meet the personal requirements of various insureds, ERGO offers the new basic abilities insurance in three progressive product variants: “ERGO Body Protect”, “ERGO Body Protect Comfort” and “ERGO Body Protect Premium”. All the variants can be individually combined with various additional modules.

Supplementary cover for people who do sports as a hobby or as part of their job

With the “Sport Plus” additional module, which is the only one of its kind on the market, other basic abilities that are important for many types of sports and hobbies can be covered – including the functioning of knee, elbow or hip joints; heart and lung function; and both spatial vision and coordination. This can benefit hobby athletes, as well as people who earn all or part of their living from sport, such as fitness coaches, yoga trainers and sports teachers. “Sport Plus” also indirectly offers them income protection. On losing only one of the insured basic abilities, those affected will receive the insured pension, which they can use for sports reorientation or to fund aids that will allow them to continue to do their favourite sport. In the event of a claim, the “Sport Plus” additional module also offers a local rehab check by specialist rehab managers, including advice and appropriate recommendations on therapy, as well as information on suitable aids.

“Pflege Plus” and “Psyche Plus” for additional protection

Besides “Sport Plus”, “ERGO Body Protect” offers two further additional modules. With the “Pflege Plus” (LTC Plus) option, besides the agreed basic abilities pension, insureds who need long-term care also receive a lifelong LTC pension for the same amount to cover the additional costs arising in the case of long-term care. With the “Psyche Plus” (Mental Health Plus) additional module, the agreed basic abilities pension is paid when, due to a mental health condition, the insured is permanently unable to pursue gainful employment for more than three hours a day.

For further information, please contact:

Jan Fulle

Media Relations

Tel +49 211 477-8518

About ERGO Group AG

ERGO is one of the major insurance groups in Germany and Europe. The Group is represented in over 25 countries worldwide, with a focus on Europe and Asia. Four separate units operate under the umbrella of ERGO Group AG: ERGO Deutschland AG, ERGO International AG, ERGO Digital Ventures AG and ERGO Technology & Services Management AG. The German, international, direct and digital businesses as well as the global management of IT and technology services are organized in these units. About 38,700 people work either as salaried employees or as full-time self-employed sales representatives for the Group. In 2022, ERGO recorded a total premium income of over 20 billion euros and rendered benefits to customers (net) of around 15 billion euros. ERGO is part of Munich Re, one of the world's leading reinsurers and risk carriers. More at



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