Avatars in everyday sales life

“Efficient and entertaining”

Digitalisation & Technology, 26.09.2023

What are the benefits of videos with avatars for customers, agents and ERGO itself? Our sales partner Benjamin Lüftner lets his avatar (picture) answer this question.

Avatar of ERGO sales partner Benjamin Lüftner 

Last year, //next already reported that avatars are already in use at ERGO - both in the office and in sales. A lot has happened since then:

Not only is the technology becoming more and more powerful and offering our customers, sales partners and thus ERGO itself more and more advantages (see video below). In a six-week project

  • six ERGO agencies, representing the entire ERGO sales force, are driving the issue forward,
  • in close cooperation with our Agent Online Platforms department and with our software partner
  • our software partner Synthesia

created more than 120 videos, published many of them and collected a lot of feedback from their customers and interested parties:

"This new video format reaches people"

"In the past few weeks, I have been asked a lot about the new clips with my avatar in my environment, for example at sports clubs", reports Benjamin Lüftner from the district head office in Wendelstein near Nuremberg: "The feedback has been consistently positive, this new video format is reaching people!

"This pilot impressively shows how valuable it is to involve our agents in innovative sales topics right from the start - and to shape them together for customers, sales and ERGO", Dirk Erdmann, Group Manager at Agent Online Platforms, is also pleased. Synthesia has also gained additional valuable information through this, which should give further impetus to the cooperation with ERGO.

Win-Win-Win for customers, sales experts and ERGO

Curious now? In the following video, the aforementioned avatar by sales partner Benjamin Lüftner sums up the advantages that avatars are already bringing us:


Your opinion
If you would like to share your opinion on this topic with us, please send us a message to next@ergo.de.

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